Tuesday, February 23, 2010


It is not name of anyone but it is an animal, yup animal or whatever group it comes from, I hate it when they make a noise every night. Anyone knows why house lizards make noise at night. Are they talking? Dating? Mating? Playing? Or just saying goodnight?

I could not sleep with noises of theirs. I have told them “can you keep quite...” but then they still kept talking with their language.

If tangkap cicak can make money, I’m the first volunteer to catch all those lizards or sell it to yusri KRU so that he can produce another film the name cicak vs human, ishkk apa aku merepek nie ..

alamak dapat email esok ada meeting ... nak prepare for tomorrow input .. kalau rajin nant le sambung


  1. pls dont blame the lizards..pls use ur inner scanner n scan deeply inside ur hearttt..u ll find ..ehehe

  2. find what? eh cicak nie kalau ikut sunnah kita harus bunuh dia tau, sbb dia menolong org kafir semasa Rasullulah s.a.w dalam bahaya

  3. cicak pun makhluk tuhan jugak..sayang oiii..ada la hikmah allah jadikan si cicak nii..

  4. tak kan la sebab si cicak buat bising sikit..dah hot..cicak tu buat kebajikan tak nampak pun..tak say tq pun kat cicak tu...cicak cicak tq ye sebab bla bla bla..hehe

  5. mmg takleh benci lor makhluk Allah. apapun sunat bunuh cicak ari jumaat kan... so bunuh je la tanpa rasa benci di hati. hanya benci dari segi syariat je lor... bunuh, jgn tak bunuh... kill... kill... killl.. die.. die.... ganas seh...
